Yet another MT newbie!

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Re: Yet another MT newbie!

Post by FZ1 » Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:11 pm

Thanks folks, all support and offers much appreciated.

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Re: Yet another MT newbie!

Post by FZ1 » Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:35 pm

A quick update:

I've had an offer accepted for 405, so when a couple of bits are sorted on it, I'll be picking it up soon - Always a good feeling, having a "new to me" bike in the pipeline!

In previous posts, I said I just wanted a commuter, but that's not the whole story.

While I won't be doing much (if any) off road riding, I will be tinkering and faffing about with it. I really miss being able to "do stuff" on my bikes (other than cosmetic stuff), so having a basic bike with a Rotax engine and a carb suits me down to the ground.

Oh, and I'm ex RAF and dead keen on military history - I can't afford a WLA, but the MT will do nicely!


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Re: Yet another MT newbie!

Post by Derrick » Tue Jul 16, 2019 5:32 pm

Welcome Jon,

The MT350 moved me around at 60pmh, loaded up with winter camping gear, but don't take on the boy racers. Having said that, it's now been upgraded to 405cc, so gets there a bit faster now.
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Re: Yet another MT newbie!

Post by FZ1 » Tue Jul 16, 2019 5:56 pm

Thanks Derrick.

I'm picking up the 405 tomorrow, so that should provide enough grunt to move my "sizeable bulk" around! :lol:


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