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Re: MTRC Shop *** New Stock****

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:46 pm
by Vtrsp1da
Oh no Phil look what you're done now Shineys thrown his toys out of his pram :lol: :lol:

Re: MTRC Shop *** New Stock****

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:56 pm
by Mr Shiney
Not really Dave. But everyone in this club has an opinion about something yet the queue of people actually wanting to stand up and do something about it would not cast a shadow on a summers day.

There are plenty of g........ stirrers in this club who have stuck there oar in and ended 20 year friendships and god knows what else with their stirring.

The club shop is run at the minimum cost with absolutely no benefit to me. All funds are taken by the club and the cost of shipping is refunded directly to me. The shipping rates of myHermes are displayed on their website and the cost of packaging materials is capped at a pound for pretty much everything in the shop.

Their is no charge made for anything else including setting up and maintaining the club web shop which I am sure you of all people will recall how much time it takes as it was an unfinished project for you.

Like I said if anyone else thinks they can do it better then knock yourselves out. That's not me spitting a dummy, it's me giving an honest statement as to the work involved.

Others who are quick to criticise should also think of the amount of volunteer work that goes on behind the scenes. This is not a commercial setup it's a members run club with everything being done by volunteers with busy lives of their own. So when you are moaninig about the time it takes to get something out of the club parts stores often given at no cost or for Bunker to respond to making a VIN plate remember it's people doing stuff in their spare time......

Re: MTRC Shop *** New Stock****

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:57 pm
by #skippy1970
Will a sticker fit inside an envelope :?:
Just a thought
might cut down on those expensive shipping costs :D

Re: MTRC Shop *** New Stock****

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:00 pm
by Mr Shiney
#skippy1970 wrote:Will a sticker fit inside an envelope :?:
Just a thought
might cut down on those expensive shipping costs :D
They do, a hardback envelope is .48p. The cost of myHermes is £2.98 so the remaining .4p covers "stationary" type costs.

On items like that the shipping does not work out but I have to list them somehow on the website so they go on with the minimum shipping cost we pay. It obviously makes sense not to order a single sticker does at it?

Re: MTRC Shop *** New Stock****

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:17 pm
by deadgrass.
stop whittling, its only money, [oh god have i just said that] just buy it on site northants next venue.

Re: MTRC Shop *** New Stock****

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:25 pm
by lardmarc
Mr Shiney wrote: Don't buy one on its own then.......
However if you think you can run the shop any cheaper then you are welcome to come to my house, collect it, store it and show me how it should be done. Care to do it?
Excellent marketing ploy, that should get the newbies hammering at your door to buy stuff.

Re: MTRC Shop *** New Stock****

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:33 pm
by Mr Shiney
lardmarc wrote:
Mr Shiney wrote: Don't buy one on its own then.......
However if you think you can run the shop any cheaper then you are welcome to come to my house, collect it, store it and show me how it should be done. Care to do it?
Excellent marketing ploy, that should get the newbies hammering at your door to buy stuff.
Marketing would indicate this is a commercial venture. It's a service to members of the club provided by members of the club and that should be remembered.

If you have an alternate "marketing strategy" Lard then come and take on the shop and show us how it's done?

Re: MTRC Shop *** New Stock****

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:49 pm
by Vtrsp1da
F**king he'll take a chill pill I've never moaned about vin plates or not getting parts from Bunker I'm sure running the shop takes a lot of your time and well done for volunteering but for god sake if it's to much let someone else do it.


Re: MTRC Shop *** New Stock****

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:54 pm
by Franc
Anybody who takes time out to help organize, run, and keep this club going in any shape or form is a hero.
You guys are like a swan, smooth and graceful on the surface, while paddling like feck underneath! :D
Keep up the good work chaps. Wish I could do something to help. ;)

Re: MTRC Shop *** New Stock****

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:03 pm
by Mr Shiney
Vtrsp1da wrote:F**king he'll take a chill pill I've never moaned about vin plates or not getting parts from Bunker I'm sure running the shop takes a lot of your time and well done for volunteering but for god sake if it's to much let someone else do it.

It wasn't all aimed at you Dave, it was a general observation on how people are quick to complain and slow to volunteer and often when they do volunteer they fail to follow through.

Do you want to take the shop over or did I miss someone else volunteering?